Dr. Držislav Markovina

Dr. Držislav Markovina

Držislav Markovina, MD, is the director and founder of the Pantovčak Polyclinic – Hair Clinic. He completed Medical school in 1996. in Zagreb. That same year he began an internship at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Surgery of the Breast at the Surgery Clinic of the Clinical Medical Centre of Zagreb – Rebro, and completed his internship at the Clinic for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of the Clinical Hospital of Dubrava. He began the specialization in 1999. at the Department of the diseases of the ear, throat, nose and head and neck surgery at the Clinical Hospital Merkur, which he completed in 2004. year.

Within the specialization, with the mentoring of prof. Pietro Palma, MD, he spent two years in Italy at the Departments of Surgery and Otorhinolaryngology in Brescia, Milan, Bologna and Rome. Along with the specialization he completed the postgraduate study in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, and at the Faculty of Medicine he also completed the postgraduate course in Health Management.

Passing the specialist exam in 2004 Držislav Markovina, MD, acquires the title of Cervico-facial Surgeon / Otorhinolaryngologist. He spent the next two years working at the Clinics for Reconstructive, Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery in Italy and Croatia. During his career he actively participated with scientific papers and in the organization of the first three Conferences of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery in Croatia.

2005. In 2005 doctor Markovina opened in Zagreb the Pantovčak Polyclinic – Hair Clinic registered for general surgery and otorhinolaryngology. together with aesthetic surgery and medicine as the first in the region since 2005 the clinic performs the procedures of microscopic FUE hair transplantation.

He was among the first surgeons in Croatia and the region that studied this method, and through the years it has become his narrower scope of interest. He participated in the work of the ESHRS (European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery) Conferences in Zurich in 2006, in Madrid in 2008 and in Vienna in 2010, as well as in the ISHRS (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery) Conferences in San Francisco in 2013, in Chicago 2015 and in Prague in 2017. year. Doctor Držislav Markovina personally underwent two FUE hair transplant procedures; a method he studied at the clinics in Milan, Düselldorf, Athens and Miami. Along with his surgical work, he also trains his fellow surgeons and their teams to perform FUE hair transplant surgeries.

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Misconceptions about hair

Misconceptions about hair

Hair loss is inherited only from the mother’s side.

Not always, the genes responsible for the inheritance of hair loss can be inherited from either parent, and in most case from both.

Hair loss is often explained by poor blood circulation in the scalp and the appearance of dandruff.

The scalp is in all its parts vascularized in the same manner and dandruff does not affect hair loss.

Hair loss can be treated only by using vitamins and nutritional supplements.

Vitamins and supplements can contribute to the health of your hair, but have not proven effect on stopping hair loss.

Hair loss is common in older men.

For some men hair loss begins in high school and for the majority in their 20s or 30s.

If hair is not lost by the age of 40, it will not be lost later either.

The hair loss may start at any age.

Washing too often causes hair loss.

Washing does not stimulate hair loss, and avoiding it will not postpone the fallout.

By cutting hair or frequently cutting hair one can get thicker hair.

Maybe it looks that way, but this is an illusion since hair is thicker as it is shorter, i.e. closer to the skin.

Wearing hats/caps affects hair loss.

Wearing a cap can affect the hairstyle, but it has not been proven that wearing caps, hats or helmets affects hair loss.

Too much sun exposure can cause hair loss.

It has not been scientifically proven, thus people can sunbathe and go to tanning salons.

Female hair loss is rare.

Many will be surprised that women make 40% of the population affected by hair loss.

Manly men have no hair.

It is not true, but it is true that excess testosterone can cause hair loss.

Is the FUE method of hair transplantation for you?

If you are not sure whether you are the right candidate for this type of treatment, fill out our short questionnaire based on which you will receive an answer from a doctor.

Preparations and prices

Preparations and prices

How much does the pre-operative consultation examination cost?

The pre-operative consultation examinations in Zagreb, Split, Ljubljana and Trieste are free. If patients are unable to come they can send us photos, and together we can discuss them over the phone. In consultation with the patient, it is possible to attend a procedure.

Do I have to shave my head?

In the usual one-day procedure there is no need to shave your head. The hair is shortened only in the back of the donor region that, if necessary, can be covered with longer hair.

Can I travel in the morning on the day of the procedure?

It is possible to arrive on the day of surgery. The procedure can be started in the morning and in the afternoon.

Can I meet patients or see the procedure?

Yes, it is possible in consultation with the patient to attend the surgery. Many patients have already had the FUE hair transplantation procedure so that simultaneously one can see the results of previous interventions and the performing of an FUE hair transplant procedure.

Should I take a vacation after the procedure?

Immediately after the procedure the patient goes home, often with his own car or flies. If desired, a cap can be put after the procedure. It is recommended to take a few days off until all traces of the surgery disappear. Following the given instructions, it is possible in the shortest time to return to daily activities, sports, washing hair, etc.

Is the FUE method of hair transplantation for you?

If you are not sure whether you are the right candidate for this type of treatment, fill out our short questionnaire based on which you will receive an answer from a doctor.

About the FUE transplantation

About the FUE transplantation

What is the first step?

We recommend you a free consultation examination to assess your case and establish the justification, size and price of the FUE hair transplant procedure. If you are unable to come in person, you can send us photos and we will comment them together over the phone.

How can I know if I am the appropriate candidate for the procedure?

In a consultation exam you can gain insight into your case, and assess the feasibility and the extent of a possible procedure. It is also possible to send photos of the donor and the receiving regions that we can comment together over the phone. The ideal way to find out the experiences of patients and see the results of previous interventions is to attend an FUE hair transplant procedure for a patient that already had surgery.

Is microscopic follicular hair transplantation always successful?

With a good quality hair in the donor region, the FUE hair transplantation method is always successful. Success is not just hair growth but it is equally important that it is not visible that this hair has been surgically received. With the microscopic processing of follicles scars and irregularities are avoided which were typical for older methods of hair transplantation.

What can I expect during my transplantation procedure?

The medical team will take care and do everything for your complete comfort. The procedure lasts 5-6 hours, is performed under local anesthesia (as at a dentist), and is painless. There may be breaks, and time is best shortened with a phone.

How many hair follicles can be transplanted in one day?

In one day it is possible to transplant, depending on the density and the quality of the donor region, between 2000 and 2500 follicles. The surgery can last up to 6 hours. In a two-day procedure that lasts for up to 12 hours up to 5000 follicles can be transplanted. During the procedure the phone can be used and, if necessary, you can go to the toilet.

How many procedures are necessary for the reconstruction of my scalp?

The number of procedures for the reconstruction of the scalp depends on the size of areas without hair, the possibilities of the donor region and the wishes of the patient. The FUE hair transplant procedures can be repeated to increase the density or to restore subsequent loss of hair. For most patients two procedures in a lifetime are enough.

Is FUE transplantation painful and when you see hair growth?

The FUE hair transplant is a completely painless procedure because it is performed under local anesthesia (the same as at the dentist). After the procedure, there is no need to take analgesics (painkillers).
The start of hair growth is seen 4 months after the procedure. Most of the hair will grow in 7-8 months, and the rest in 10 months after the procedure. The hair obtained via the transplantation grows for a lifetime.

Will the appearance of my hair be natural?

The appearance of hair after the FUE transplant procedure is natural. The resulting hair will grow for a lifetime. Thanks to the microscopic processing of all follicles we get a natural subsequent growth of hair in which there is no scarring and typical grafts (“tufts”) as in the old methods. The result is natural regardless of the size or density of the receiving region. Neither the hairdressers know that it is transplanted hair.

What will the density of new hair be?

The density of new hair depends on the size of the area in which the hair follicles are transplanted and the amount of follicles that can be obtained in the procedure. With one intervention 25 – 30% of hair density can be restored, and the maximum density that can be obtained by transplantation is 50% of the density of the donor region.

Is hair obtained with the FUE transplantation permanent?

The hair obtained with the FUE transplant is permanent, lifelong, i.e. grows as long and as well as in the back of the scalp where it was taken from. The hair in the back of the scalp, the so called donor region, is genetically different from the hair at the top and in the front of the scalp, the receiving region, and will never fall out. The skin tissue of the entire scalp, meaning both in the donor and the receiving region, is of equal quality and therefore the FUE transplantation is possible and successful.

Is there a limit of growth of transplanted hair?

There are no restrictions on hair growth. With the transplantation the hair retains the quality and the duration regardless of the location in which is transplanted.

Transplantation of hair from the body – how is it done?

Transplantation of hair from the body is carried out in the same manner as the transplantation of hair from the scalp. Few are the patients in which such surgery is possible, and the amount of hair that can be obtained is limited. We do this type of procedure when we want to fix minor flaws or scars in the beard, eyebrows or scalp.

Are you ready for a free consultation?

At the consultation, it is possible to experience the patient as a person in addition to the insight into your case, to explain the real achievements of hair transplantation.

About the FUE transplantation

What after FUE hair transplant?

Are there any bandages after the surgery?

There are no folds on the scalp after the surgery. In the area of the donor region, there is a gauze which is removed the next morning at home.

Will I have to take medications after the procedure?

The patient receives an antibiotic that is taken the next four days and a spray with which the receiving region is moisturized in the following four days.

Is it possible to spend the night somewhere near the policlinic?

If this is a several-day procedure or for personal reasons you do not want to return home the same day, we provide you an adequate stay in a hotel or private accommodation in our neighborhood.

Can I travel home the same day?

Yes, you can travel on the same day. If it is a two-day FUE transplant procedure, we recommend sleeping in Zagreb. After the FUE transplant surgery, there is no pain. We recommend complying with the post-operative instructions.

Will there be swelling (edema) after the surgery?

After the FUE transplant surgery there is no pain. We recommend complying with the post-operative instructions.

Will there be swelling (edema) after the surgery?

In a smaller number of patients, more often after a two-day procedure, there may be slight swelling in the forehead but it disappears 2-3 days after the procedure. Ttreatment is not required. Terapija nije potrebna.

Are there possible side effects of the FUE hair transplantation?

In the donor region we have never seen side effects, and in the receiving region, if it is frontal, sometimes there can be a little swelling that withdraws after 2-3 days.

Are there scars after the FUE hair transplant?

The purpose of the FUE hair transplant procedure is to avoid linear scars in the scalp that were characteristic for the old hair transplantation method, the so-called strip” method. In the donor region sometimes some microdots can be visible only in a small number of patients and only in the back, the so-called donor region with very short or shaved hair.

Are patients satisfied with the results?

With a good quality donor region the FUE hair transplant surgery for men and women provides results and gives satisfaction to patients. We have been performing this procedure and monitoring patients for 12 years now. The procedure is equally successful in the first as in the repeated interventions.

Are you ready for a free consultation?

At the consultation, it is possible to experience the patient as a person in addition to the insight into your case, to explain the real achievements of hair transplantation.